Thursday 23 January 2014

LEGACIES OF A DEMOLITION KING. Written by Saint-Olawale Jimoh

    Every new government has its leadership pattern which usually outlive their tenure in office. The overall impact of such government on people determines whether that government will be praised or cursed after its mandated tenure.
   Governor Ibikunle Amosun's style of governance in Ogun State means different things to different people. To the elite, who wish to drive his car without hindrance through a well flowered road, a road that is devoid of poor children hawking the streets, to him, Amosun is a hero. Such person will sing his praise and would undoubtedly stop at nothing to defend his government if need be.
    It is a different case to a poor woman who had lived all her life selling in the corner of the road, a condition forced down her throat by immense poverty, with her children hawking all over the street at the risk of being crushed by moving vehicles. She managed to send her child to school (through the proceeds from her petty business and assistance from well meaning Nigerians) and 8 years after graduation the guy could not secure a job. In may 2011, he got a job with state government and he was very happy, only for Amosun to sack the poor boy again (without pay) not considering the amount the poor boy spent on transport, registration, feeding and others.
   A small apartment her mum stays is already demolished all in the interest of urban renewal. To her, Ogun state has never been so hellish as it is now. Of the 3,728,098 population in Ogun state, over 65% are living below poverty level. The question is, under genuine democracy,
Who really own Ogun State? Is that the way to go about urban renewal?
   What is even the rational behind destroying businesses they can not provide, and housing need they can met and just creating homelessness , employment they can not provide, because some of the shops destroyed kept people in employment and safe some youths from wondering about and making them provide income for their families while contributing to government revenues and many more.

There are several prominent individuals currently nursing their pains from demolition exercise of SIA's administration:
- There was a case of Late Apagun Olumide whose properties were demolished and his hotel confiscated in May 29, 2011. The very first day this administration started. It's interesting to note that the demolition took place in the night!
-Hon Moruf Musa had his filling station and shops demolished in Ogun Waterside LG area of same State despite having valid documents supporting the construction of the properties.
-Hon Motunrayo Adeleye's property equally received the demolition touch of this administration.
-If not for swift intervention of some prominent people and Obas in the State, Abraham Tabernacle (a church constructed by Otunba Gbenga Daniel in honour of his late father and handed over to the Baptist Church of Nigeria) would have been history, because the entrance concrete poles had already been pulled down with the construction  bulldozer on the order of the government.
- Recently, there was an attempt on the property belonging to Ogun former Commissioner for Sport&Youth Development, Mr Bukonla Olopade's property. This property had already been marked for demolition.

 This government has no regard for commoners. Governor bikunle Amosun was not elected to humiliate the people he is meant to serve. There were no consultations with the people before embarking on rampage of destructions , all was done in a military styles. The roads that needed completion were either not addressed or left uncompleted as part of his personal vendetta. A Governor with sympathy votes should not be behaving like a tyrant.

 The handlers of this man need to have a rethink so as not to debase an institution that would outlive them. They must realized that the power of the people is greater than people in power! Many years ago, four hundreds thousands (400,000) Catalans joined hands to form a human chain stretching 250 miles across the Mediterranean coast of the north-eastern region to demand independence from the rest of Spain.
Similarly, a time is coming when Ogun masses will occupy Governor's Office to demand what they really wanted because the real power lies in the people and their votes!

Saint-Olawale Jimoh
(Observers' Reflections Int'l)