Saturday 12 December 2015

NIGERIANS AND 'NO MONEY SYNDROME' - DEJA VU. Written by Saint-Olawale Jimoh

I had written earlier that what a dog sees and barks at, is nothing compared to what the sheep contemplates in silence. There's nothing we have not seen. The worst are happening all around. Democracy has impoverished many Nigerians more than in the military days. Those in the rich class who accidentally witness one of such scenarios consider it unusual and take to social media to become hero. Some of us, who relate well with the grassroots will say 'na today?'
I once read about how Kaduna State Governor, Nasir El Rufai, while embarking on a village to village campaign prior to the general elections, ran into an old classmate who was a village farmer. At first he was shocked seeing how suddenly the man has grown far older than his age but the real shock came when after El Rufai offered him a 1000 Naira note and the fellow commented he has never seen it before. He has only heard about it. Throughout his brief stay in that village, he was still wondering how it was possible for a fellow Nigerian not have or have seen a 1000 Naira note in this same country.

  During my service year at Alladim, which is one of the five communities constituting Nkum Ibor Ward under Ogoja Local Government Area of Cross River State (apologies to my old friends from the area who are now my friends on facebook), I witnessed poverty firsthand! No money, no job, no water, no road, no electricity.. You cannot get TV or radio signal to connect with happenings around. I saw youth of my age wasting away with tedious farm works only for family consumption. Government teachers were like gods; they saw more of the new 1000 Naira notes that El Rufai's friend never saw anytime Government remembered to pay them.

Chijioke Amu-nnadi once lamented, "this does not feel like a country any more!"
The other day, Pa Ikhide cried, "it is time for people of conscience to speak up. Nigeria is headed in the wrong direction. Where are our writers? Why are we quiet?"

What have we not mentioned. Has Pa Ikhide not heard how an innocent guy was locked up in detention over ordinary facebook post in Imo State and on the order of some people in government? Few weeks ago, a very good friend of mine, who's equally a blogger, was arrested and locked up for daring to exposing how money was laundered abroad from my State. It is easier for Nigerians living abroad, to seat at comfort of their homes and post arrogant comments on some issues and blame some of us at home for not acting. Come home and try that, especially now that anti-social media bill is being rumoured to be on the way.

So, let no Nigerian leader come and tell us, he's unaware there's poverty in the land. Let them not tell us they are oblivious of the fact that the ongoing fuel scarcity is killing Nigerians. Heavens will not be happy with them if they claim they don't know over 65million Nigerian youths are unemployed. Governor Oshiomole who hiked Ambrose Ali University school fees by 200 percent cannot say he's unaware of the negative implications of such decision on the children of the commoners. They all know and we have reminded them times without number, the implications of their inaction and lest I forget, this is just my personal opinion. I stand to be corrected!


   When I first wrote the Northerners are their own worst enemy, while reflecting on how their rigid religious practices aid terrorism in the North, I got over a dozen messages in my inbox from those who saw no sense in the write up.
Today, the responses of those who attacked Prof Wole Soyinka who suggested the use of Hijab or other uniforms depicting pupils' religion be stopped left me utterly bewildered. Majority of those who attacked the nobel laureate were Northerners.

  Is a mere facial covering more important than human lives being wasted almost on daily basis through Boko Haram activities? Do these people prefer a situation where the female suicide bomber taking advantage of the Hijab being worn by female students to kill innocent Nigerians there in the North?
Day in day out, bombs explode in places of worship in Northeastern Nigeria and few communities are becoming desolate already.
Speak of restricting the use of certain facial coverings, and you'll promptly realize that a piece of black cloth can be more sacred than the lives of the entire members of the community.

   After the World Trade Centre was attacked in New York City in 2001, new tough measures were put in place, to secure airports and other places of public accommodation. We haven't heard of any case similar to it after the measures were put in place. When Ebola came to our land, people were asked to wash hands regularly. I did not hear anyone claim that such a practice amounted to gross violation of their culture. Southern religious leaders were instructed to end the practice of Christian religious revivals and crusades, as it was an excellent breeding technique for Ebola. Shaking hands, a sacred religious rite, was suspended in all Catholic churches. Ebola was nipped right in the bud. It did not fester because government had the balls to take tough measures, and the people were liberal enough to adapt themselves to change.
In some Islamic nations like Senegal, here in Africa, the use of facial covering has been banned yet their religion hasn't changed. But the reverse is usually the case in the Northern Nigerian. They are too religious to see sense in suggested preventive measures to help curb the loss of lives to the terrorists' activities in their domain. They simply never imagined the  number of lives that will be lost while defending the sanctity of the cloth

Wednesday 25 November 2015


I almost joined the bandwagon of those criticizing Nigerians whose facebook profile pictures were watermarked in French flag in honour of those killed in Paris terrorist attack.
What initially came to my mind was why Facebook never deemed it fit to come up with such an innovation when worse cases occurred in Nigeria.
I repented after reading Mark Zuckerberg's side of the story, who stated "many people have rightfully asked why we turned on Safety Check for Paris but not for bombings in Beirut and other places. Until yesterday, our policy was only to activate Safety Check for natural disasters. We just changed this and now plan to activate Safety Check for more human disasters going forward as well".
In essence, facebook is constantly changing features for better, coincidentally, the Paris attack happened around when they were getting ready for the new profile feature and that started the whole arguments.
But come to think of it, did they make the application compulsory for us? Nope! I think it's about time we look inward and come out with our own inventions. Even if there was no explanation for French flag application, what can we do? If for instfance facebook refuses to include Africa in the feature there is nothing we can do. Today, China is developing alternatives like weibo, so they can boycott the West. Why should the West do all the innovative thinking and expect them to dance to the tune of Africans? So long as we're contented to being consumers they will always dictate the pace. So, enough of the unwarranted arguments of being ignored. If we feel ignored by these developed nations, let's rise to the task of investing in technology. And lastly, the the international communities have always stood by us. West and other continents showed solidarity during the #‎BringBackOurGirls‬ campaign.

Friday 2 October 2015


    One of the reasons the international communities are not taking our anti-graft war serious is because of our one-sided approach. We don't see any leader as being corrupt except when he tries to occupy a position where he might become a threat to us. Whereas a corrupt person shouldn't have even be given chance in the first place. While the law says everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty by a competent court, I still believe Nigeria can align with global best practices and allow the due process of law to establish an individual's innocence before he or she is given public office.

        It's simply to ensure people with dubious background never hold serious political offices.  For instance, a mere allegation that she hired an illegal immigrant as a nanny was enough to deny Zoe Baird the post of the United States Attorney-General under President Bill Clinton in 1993. Again, the candidacy of George McGovern, the Democratic Party Candidate of the 1972 US Presidential election lost traction because of his past records. In Ghana, the other day, Victoria Hammah was sacked as Deputy Minister for Communication for merely voicing her ambition to make a "million dollars in politics."

         Fact is, every Nigerian knows what corruption is and the damages it has done to our nation since independence, just like Bukola Saraki, the embattled Nigeria Senate President's antecedent is not unknown to us. Nigerians are well aware of what happened to their family businesses and how Kwarans' wealth were managed. The APC people knew Saraki is a criminal yet they allowed him into their camp; offered him ticket and he won the Senate seat under their party. They allowed him to sponsor the party too. Suddenly, they reasoned he can't be in that position because he's corrupt.

    There is no way we can separate the Code of Conduct Bureau's trial from Saraki's Senate Presidency. If he has not emerged the Senate President against the will of top hierachy of APC there wouldn't have been any issue. I strongly believe he is not on trial because he is corrupt, rather, he is on trial because his being at Senate Presidency is against the wishes of a section of the party. Let me assure you that if Saraki resigns today, the probe will stop.

     Yet in all of these, I won't blame Saraki. And you ask me why? The reason is simple. APC created the skewed playing field on which Saraki out played the party. Meanwhile, negotiating your path to the top in a democracy is playing right like someone once said. Saraki therefore cannot be faulted on that.

    Mark my words, the trial and its drama are not in the interest of Nigerians. It's a mere charade and a game of power sharing. And to the youths who are raising their BP trying to follow the whole drama, my advice is simple. Don't waste your time joining old men to battle field, the issue is not always far from disagreement on sharing of "yams". By this age a youth should be interested in planting. Afterall, Fashola might be right with his 'pig' story!

Tuesday 1 September 2015

THE IMBALANCE CALLED 'CHANGE'. Written by Saint-Olawale Jimoh

One African proverb says he who does not understand the cry of a palm-bird complains of the noise it makes. When I first wrote that beheading can never be solution for headache and that even though the former President Goodluck Jonathan may not have done enough to convince Nigerians to re-elect him, the desperate Northern candidate cannot be a better replacement, some people tagged me a pro-Jonathan activist. Yet, the recent action of the incumbent President is a clear pointer to the fact that this government made possible by all Nigerians is simply for the Northerners.

    One highly respected Northern elite was quoted to have said, 'the damage has already been done. The key positions had gone to the North and what remains may not correct the imbalance even if all the 300 future appointments go to the South. This is the gospel truth that would never be spoken by CHANGE evangelists in APC camp. Even in the ministerial appointments to come, at least, by law 19 must go to the North in addition to the existing appointments.
   Fact is, each time we talk or author an article about this injustice in our system, few of our over-enlightened people would say "my own is who can do things better, nothing concern me about tribe."

     The Northerners do not think the way we are thinking. They don't joke with power and their rights and they are not pretentious of it. But here in the Southwest, we allow sentiment to becloud our sense of true judgement. Incidentally, some of these imbalance practices have a way of coming back to haunt us and regrettably, the result is what we are faced with today.

      For instance, over the years, the Northerners were in charge of the military, where they raised standard for all non-Northern candidates and lower it for the North in the name of federal character. Again, let's consider this. The Chief Justices of Nigeria since 1987 till date are Northerners and this happened because federal character principle was not followed in the appointment of Judges into the Supreme Court of Nigeria. Same for other federally owned agencies yet none of these seem to bother us, especially the party 'faithfools' who would say "if Buhari likes, let him appoint everybody from his home town, my own is I want change".
I believe Federal cabinet selection is not like national soccer team selection where people don't care where players come from as long as they deliver the trophy. It's about ensuring the colonial legacy that legitimizes adherence to our peculiar Quota System in which every region counts.

    Our children and grand children will ask us questions that we may not be able to answer and make no mistake, either you agree or not, Buhari has concluded the most important appointments of his government only that the skewed appointments lacked political, regional, religious and ethnic colour and this evidently is not the change entire Nigerians voted for.

Monday 17 August 2015


In the last few days, the internet has been littered with stories of how Governor Ibikunle Amosun of Ogun State sacked 2 Directors, 1 Deputy Director and 3 officers in Ogun State Ministry of Education over ‘offensive’ exam question.
    An examiner, Adegbenro Joel in one of the schools within the State, had prepared English Language exam questions for the third term academic session of the State’s Unified Examination in Public Secondary Schools for SS1, which had a summary passage that took a critical look at the negligence of the education sector by the government. At the end of the controversial summary passage, students were asked to state the evidences given by the author that government has not done enough to assist the education sector and the way forward. That singular act started the whole controversy that led to the sacking of top officials in the Ministry of Education.

  In civilized climes, the concerned government would have taken time to read through the various scripts to see what the poor students have suggested in response as solutions to the challenges rather than going for the messenger and those who approved it.

  Be that as it may, the question I asked those who supported the action of the Governor is simple and clear. Would he have sacked them if the writer of the summary passage had praised Governor Amosun's government especially in the education sector where he practically hasn't done much?

   There are those who keep blaming the writer and those who approved it claiming it was wrong for them to bite the fingers that feed them. But for how long shall we continue to keep mute on issues bothering on the future of our children and besides, I think we are in the Change Era where everything has got to change for good? Gone are the days when governments seek citizens' opinion on issues affecting the general populace. Today, we hardly have listening governors but emperors and self colonial masters who just want to do things the way they deem it fit.

    I had written in my previous articles that we cannot build a great nation if all we do is seeing nothing wrong with everything our government do but unfortunately, we live in a nation of sycophants. In fact, it's almost becoming a tradition that when people benefit from a government, they will never see anything wrong done by their benefactors, others are perpetual praise-singers because of what they hope to get.

    Generally, the way education sector is being handled all over the nation calls for consideration. In those days, there were no private schools yet our students were competing favourably with those who attended schools abroad. Today, many schools run by the government, which were formerly known for academic excellence have suddenly lost their prestige and are living on past glories, all because of action and inaction of past and present governments.

   Ogun State's case is more worrisome. In fact as I type this article, the information reaching me has it that the JSS1 and SSS1 students in public schools across Ogun State were asked to come to school for their report sheets but surprisingly, the results were dictated to them because government couldn't provide dossiers for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd term. Yet the State government expect people to keep mute over this. It's not done! It's now left for the government to try as much as possible to improve the sector. And the best way to go about it is to seek people's opinion especially the practitioners in the sector. Government must embrace criticism in order to move forward. We just must right the wrong to have a nation of our dream

Tuesday 4 August 2015


   We cannot be doing same thing and expect a different result. We cannot build a great nation if all we do is seeing nothing wrong with everything our government do. We must be ready to praise Mr President's hits and not condole his misses if we want him to achieve. This is why I give kudos to Dele Momodu, the Ovation publisher, who managed to hit the nail on the head in his open letter to President Muhammadu Buhari.

    Regretablly, we live in a nation of sycophants. In fact, it's almost becoming a tradition that when people benefit from a government, they will never see anything wrong done by their benefactors, others are perpetual praise-singers because of what they hope to get. Sycophancy, like someone rightly observed is what will make you see everything wrong with PDP and nothing wrong with APC. We must right the wrong to have a nation of our dream. The recent activities of Mr President showed he might not make any genuine headway if he doesn't change his pattern. His aides and supporters are equally making matter worst. We shun best hands because they're not in our party and we are paying dearly for these and we shall continue to pay unless we espouse merit over mediocrity.

    It is a pity how we allow talents to waste away in Nigeria because of short-sightedness, tribalism, and sycophancy. It is still disheartening to know our own Tony Elemelu was introduced to President Barack Obama by Uhuru Kenyatta. Not only was he appreciated by Obama, this Nigerian banking guru and philantrophist, Tony Elemelu CON is equally billed to speak at a White House event hosted by U.S. President Barack Obama this Monday to celebrate emerging entrepreneurs around the globe.

    Arunma Oteh who was widely condemned by die-hard Buharists has been appointed Vice President and Treasurer of the World Bank. Arunma was most recently the Director General of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Nigeria.  As Vice President and Treasurer, Arunma will manage and lead a large and diverse team responsible for managing more than $150 billion in assets and she was selected to this position through an international competitive search. Her appointment is effective on September 28, 2015.

     Bad as the previous administration was pictured by some sections of the Nigeria's media, there are still few brilliant minds who worked assiduously for this country and such cannot be ignored because they worked for the previous government of Goodluck Jonathan. Diezani Allison Maduekwe was appointed President of OPEC despite the negatives news in Nigeria's media about her.
Akinwunmi Adesina, a Former Agriculture Minister is now the President of the African Development Bank. All from the widely-condemned Goodluck Jonathan-led government.

     The message is simple and clear. Buhari should look beyond his camp and party in terms of appointing those to work with him. That Amechi and others sponsored his campaign doesn't automatically imply they must be appointed into where they are not needed. The earlier he starts tapping into the intelligence of people like Tony Elemelu, Mike Adenuga, Aliko Dangote and others, the better for him instead of surrounding himself with a ragtag who cannot differentiate between governance and economy. He should ensure our sensitive positions are not manned by misfits who do not merit the offices by all standards.

Wednesday 15 July 2015


   Early this year, I accompanied an old friend who lives in the United Kingdom to Abeokuta to get some documents. Personally, I don't feel comfortable plying Lagos-Benin expressway because of cases of accident that occurred along the axis in recent times. So, that Tuesday morning when my friend suggested I accompanied him, as we sat in his place in Sagamu, I was a bit reluctant to respond but considering the fact that we would only be driving through the expressway briefly and as soon as we pass the Sagamu-interchange, my fear would be over. I agreed and he chose to drive us.
     I was again surprised when after few meters from the interchange, my friend stopped the car. He came out and was staring at the magnificient Nestle plant across the road and the beautiful roundout at the centre of the three roads. He told me he couldn't believe the area could be that transformed. I smiled and pointed out there are still other companies all around asides Nestle.

    As we continued with our journey, I pondered on the activities of the past and present government of Ogun State and the change each of them brought to the state.
Then I remembered the controversial 262-Page Report of Ogun State Land Panel set up by the present government of Ogun State to probe into Otunba Gbenga Daniel-led administration's land policy between 2003-2011. The report, as far as I know, is a sad picture of how we politicise almost everything in this state. As a matter of fact, the summary of the entire report was that land was made too cheap for investors during Otunba Gbenga Daniel's administration.

     The area which is now home to Nestle plant was no more than a robbers' den where motorists were waylaid prior to 2003. I still recall a story of a senior colleague at work, whose entire family members were almost killed in same area by robbers who attacked their vehicle and found no money on any of them in 2001. As I learnt, the same Nestle plant in Sagamu was originally meant to be built in one of the neighbouring countries but the land incentives offerred by the then government of Ogun State convinced the then chairman of the company, Chief Olusegun Osunkeye to support the sitting of the plant in Sagamu. This singular pioneering effort of Nestle Plc encouraged other companies to come and settle in that area.

   As for whether Otunba Gbenga Daniel's land policy of making land too cheap for corporations and investors is wrong or right, I leave the general public to determine that. All I know is, the transformation that began from that interchange has spread and extended into Sagamu town thereby turning it into another industrial city. Asides Nestle plant, Day Waterman School is around the area while the large portion of land adjacent to Nestle has already been acquired by Guiness Nigeria Plc. Willwich Roof and Eterna are on the same axis with Nestle. Coleman Cable&Wires is across the expressway near old Sagamu tollgate. As at this morning, more than 7 new companies have moved into Sagamu which includes Maths Metals, DH, SMC near Lafarge estate, Ceplast and others. It's historically important to add that Sparkwest Steel Company and Wescom Wireless all moved into the town after Otunba Gbenga Daniel-led government's land incentives policy took off.

      In civilized climes, nothing stops state governments from creating industrial zones, wooing investors with tax holidays and other incentives in order to enhance additional job creation opportunities. In the United Kingdom for instance, there is a Welsh Development Agency set up in 1967, tasked with rescuing the ailing Welsh economy by encouraging business development and investment, clearing derelict land and encouraging growth of local businesses. State governments in Nigeria can learn from this.

   Sometimes, we need to present issues as clear as they are so posterity will not judge us and we must as well endeavour not to throw the baby away with the bathwater. In my humble opinion, I see Otunba Gbenga Daniel-led government's land policy as a big blessing to Ogun State and Sagamu in particular. More than 5000 people are working in the companies that sprang up following the land incentives he offerred investors during his days in office as Executive Governor of Ogun State. Footprints they say are forever and what a leader does for himself dies with him but the good he does to his people outlives him.

Observers' Reflections International

Tuesday 7 July 2015


Dear new Nigerian leaders,

   Let it be known, that we know the recent fight in the floor of the national assembly is not the first one since the beginning of democracy. It has happened before and it's clearly not in the interest of the masses but for your selfish interest. Your ultimate concern is robbing and fleeching our treasury to enrich yourselves. You negotiate away the future of our unsuspecting youths; share our collective heritage among yourselves while you distract us with unnecessary drama.

   Our being silent doesn't mean we are unmindful of how things are being done. In a gradual process, we will say things the way they are. We know how four times a year, each of the 360 members of House of Representatives receive about #55million as Constituency Allowance and how more than #65million is being given to each member of the 109 senators and how nothing can be shown for it in constituencies being represented by these legislators.

   The politics behind assigning our oil blocks among the cabals alone will shock a typical Nigerian commoner if he hears how much millions of Naira these selfish few Nigerians make per day from the deal. The worst tragedy is to suffer amidst plenty. We have oil, yet we over-pay for it. Even when we are ready to buy, another group will connive to hoard it in order to make us pay more, yet you call yourselves our leaders and legislators.

   We know how they live in palaces and move around in exotic cars with security guards. Their children are provided with everything they can think of including access to best education in best schools home and abroad.  Governors now make their children and family members their Special Advisers just like Kabiru Aregbesola receives 'allocations' for being 'first son' of Osun State. Their children simply never experienced hunger all their lives. This in same nation where two siblings died of hunger same day in Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria, which is one of several other cases.

    Let them know that we are aware they know  there are people who can't afford three square meals in a day; they see destitute everyday and people who died because of their inability to settle their medical bills. With all these situations, how then can you publicly deny  there is no endemic poverty in the land? Either you acknowledge it or not, your actions and inactions have succeded in turning the masses into slaves by continuing to plunge them into the bottomless pit of poverty and mental malnutrition.

     Be assured this intimidation will end one day, the voices of the people will sound soo loud that the decibels will break ear drums. The blood of the innocent people who died as a result of your negligence will rise up with fury for vengeance. The empire of the oppressors will crumble before their own very eyes and power will truly return to the people. The time is near.

Perhaps you think, it's impossible? Alright listen to this, about 800 years ago, in Britain, the famous King John of England was forced to sign the Magna Carta bill in 1215 and by signing the document, it means he has agreed to do his duty as King of England, upholding the law and running a fair government. There at The Runnymede, on the banks of the River Thames by a little group of men who could sacrifice anything for freedon, he was offerred two options: to sign the bills or lose his heads and he went for the best option; he chose to live. Today, the Magna Carta is considered one of the most important documents in the history of democracy and that single act by the barons paved way to our rights, our human rights, rule of law, due process, Habeas Corpus, freedom and liberties, fair hearing and all of what we take for granted today.

To all our selfish leaders, the day of reckoning is here. On that day, your excesses, abuse of office and reckless financial profligacy will trigger actions from the masses that will eventually make governors' salaries equate with that of any state civil servant and legislative jobs becoming part-time with no salaries but only seating allowances for our senators and House of Representatives' members.

   Nigerian masses will demonstrate to you they can no longer be slaves to your rubbish by marching on to Abuja to occupy the entire power house

Thursday 25 June 2015


     The activities of the youths in the present day democracy is a sad picture of the terrible situation we are, in this country; a clear symptoms of the sickness of this society and I am gravely worried about the future of a nation that care less and provides little guidance to her youths.
     This brings to mind a Yoruba proverb that borders on back sores. The proverb warns that a motherless child, should not be into the business of having sores on his back. The back is not exactly a part of your anatomy you could see or reach easily. It therefore takes the dedication of your mother to take care of sores on your back. If the nation is not playing the motherly role on her youths, it implies that the youths should put more than ordinary efforts in order to stand tall rather than surrendering themselves for all manner of tides that come their ways. Regrettably, politics absorbs a sizeable number of these indecisive young folks.
      In recent times, the youths have been hired to do all manners of untold damages especially in the last general elections. The involvement of hired youths in the circumstances as a tool for continuous confrontation either for or against political entities is worrisome. They use these young ones for political intimidation, harassment and even assassination of political opponents. Bad as it may appear, there are still many youths that see it as a means to an end.
      On the social media, there are those who are specialists in character assassination. Most times, they get sponsored to author malicious attack on certain individuals or a candidate that their sponsors perceived as a threat in order to discredit them before the general public and the unsuspecting masses soon take them serious.
      These youths are easily manipulated due to the factor of hunger and starvation that has claimed the lives of many Nigerians in recent times. It's a general belief that those who sent them are not different from them. Majority of the politicians we hear and read about today don't have other job than politics. Those who were celebrated professionals abandoned their jobs after tasting politics money. The late Ibadan political godfather, Chief Lamidi Ariyibi Adedibu was once quoted to have said he never worked all his life. He lived strictly on politics and there are thousands like him all over all the geo-political zones in Nigeria.
While it's possible to classify all politicians as one, yet there are surely pockets of excellence here and there. Men who are shiny examples of truthful leadership and enviable track records outside of politics.

      Two weeks ago, the Nigerian Tribune reported a story about the immediate former Governor of Ogun State, Otunba Gbenga Daniel, who was nominated in faraway land as the Chairman of Nigeria-Finland Business Council. This top Nigerian politician, who is fondly called Engr. J.O. Daniel by his business partners, professional associates, colleagues and clients both in Nigeria and overseas is equally the Chairman of Kresta Laurel Limited. The company received the ISO 9000 certification earlier this year for international best practices, thus becoming the only Nigerian company to be so certified in the crane and vertical transportation industry. In a similar development, Kresta Laurel Limited has also been named the best KONE distributor all over the world while KONE has been rated the best manufacturer of elevators in the world. Meanwhile, Otunba Gbenga Daniel as I learnt, originally founded Kresta Laurel business in 1990 when he was barely 34. Following year, he became Fesojoye of Ile-Ife at 35 in 1991, a traditional title conferred on him by Oba Okunade Sijuwade, the Oni of ife and the traditional spiritual head of Yoruba kingdom and people. At that age, he became the youngest Yoruba person to take a chieftaincy title from the Source. Few years after, National Concord listed him among 100 most successful businessmen in Nigeria.  As at this morning, I gathered this politician has received over 500 awards!

     Maybe this story will inspire young men of my generation who sees politics as passport to become moneybags in Nigeria. Hardworking pays and if failure is real then success is more real. There are practical instances all around us showing that we can make it if only we learn to stick to what we know how to do best. Few months ago, a Nigerian youth like us, Chinedu Echeruo sold his application to Apple for $1billion; the founder of facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is not older than some of the political mercenaries who are on the social media to insult our collective intelligence only for peanuts that can't last them a week.
I think it is high time the timid and indecisive youths go about their normal duties and stop acting as a tools to some heartless politicians who continually and selfishly explore the political terrain while taking undue advantage of these helpless youths to attain to power at all cost.
    And to the general public, there's a lesson to be learnt here, never never entrust power into the hand of a man that has POLITICS as his first address. A little they say is enough for the wise.

Saturday 13 June 2015


  The likes of of Chief Obafemi Awolowo and Nnamdi Azikwe who were founding fathers and the national heroes of this nation will all be weeping in their graves when they hear how things are being done in the land they sacrificed everything to set free. How Nigeria leaders just do things as they want not minding the effect on ordinary Nigerians. We have endured several harsh policies and conditions imposed on us by the government, yet they feel it's not enough. Today, the civil servants are their targets.
    In Yagba East Local Government Area of Kogi State, we heard they have been paying their workers 40% of their salary for so long now (when it is paid at all) that the unpaid 60% for each worker now brings the total unpaid months to 13. One year and one month of unpaid salaries!
     In Benue State, the civil servants are being owed almost 12 months' salaries and the primary school teachers had to go on strike in order to make government pay their unpaid 14 months salaries.
     If this trend continues, we will start seeing deadbodies of government workers who died of hunger. It might get to that and there are those who will not even wait for such to happen before they end the shame.
   Last month, right there at house number 13, Cele Close in Agbowo area of Ibadan, Oyo State two siblings died of hunger and another senior civil servant in the Obokun LG Area of Osun State, Mr Ojo Owolabi attempted to end his life by drinking large quantity of insecticide because of the failure of the State government to pay his salaryies for the past six months.
Just last Sunday, the State pastor of The Living Faith Church in Osogbo, Olumuyiwa Emmanuel, had to make passionate appeal to members of the church to start bringing foodstuffs and money to assist members who are civil servants that have not been paid for seven months.
    Osun State case is more worrisome. Aregbesola, the Governor of the State has severally been accused of wasteful spending on areas that has got nothing to do with the State. He is paying millions for the parking space of his helicopter but Osun workers are going to bed hungry everyday. His son, Kabiru Aregbesola is still collecting his office running cost as "First Son" of Osun State.
Sometimes I wonder what kind of milk did these adults drink from their mothers' breasts that they behave and act like satan? They are gradually pushing the masses to the wall and I can bet that before long, this uprising, as Fela says, will bring out nothing but the beast in all of us!

Monday 25 May 2015


   The attention of The Truth Advocates, a group of selected Ogun youths where I belong has been drawn to the recent and continous attack on the person of Otunba Gbenga Daniel by some sponsored elements. The most recent one being posted on one Azeez Ebora's facebook wall where his co-travellers were tagged is a sad commentary on the state of our tertiary education. Reading through some of their recent grammatically-challenged posts, it's shocking how these guys brimmed with such ignorance and stupidity that left me utterly bewildered. Much as I have sympathy for them, I'm gravely worried about the future of a nation that consciously mis-educated his generation. Whilst I empathise with them, I enjoin them to be mindful of the implication of what they're doing for today's action is tommorrow's history.
      In several of their recent unintelligent posts, they made many outrageous claims against the person of Otunba Gbenga Daniel (OGD) that shocked and annoyed even those who had nothing to do with OGD.  Naturally, I would have ignored their baseless claims and moved on to address important issues of our polity but I equally found it historically important to scrutinize their claims and to expose them for what they are: falsehoods.

Falsehood 1:
In one article authored by one MacLawrence Odunowo and published on his facebook page on the 12th of May, 2015 and titled: THE GENESIS OF THE LION OF THE WEST PHAROAHISM REIGN.
The writer claimed that,"Otunba Gbenga Daniel, according to investigations from reliable sources is believed to originate from Delta State. He came to Sagamu and was helped by a man named Agenjo, with the support of Chief Bayo Oluwole who is an estate agent.

Fact 1:
For records, Otunba Gbenga Daniel's father, The Most Rev. Adebola Daniel is the son of Daniel Banjo whose father was Abamba Daniel Otesile, hailed from Agbele, whose previous location was where the Sagamu International Market, along Sagamu-Benin Expressway, is located. Around 1860, as history has it, there was Oresile/Agbele war, forcing eight daughters of Oje Compound to be dispersed in different directions. Some of them were later found at different locations in Ijebuland.
   In the course of searching for the whereabouts of his children, Chief Abamba Otesile got to Ososa where he met and married another lady called Adetiloye. The couple, we were told, later moved to Omu for economic reason and it was in Omu that Daniel Banjo was born.  Chief Abamba Otesile was said to have returned to Makun where he re-united with some of his family-members who had settled in Makun, on leaving Agbele, from where he had gone to Ososa in search of his daughters. Makun is part of the communities, constrained to come together and form Orisagamu. While Chief Abamba Otesile returned to Makun, his ancestral homestead, his son from Adetiloye, remained behind with his mother in Omu. It was in Omu that he flourished, married and gave birth to Adebola Daniel, OGD's father, who lived for considerable length of time, in Omu where he had married Esther Olaitan Daniel from the family of Mabadejo of Ago Quarters, Omu-Ijebu in 1945. Though his father had met and married his mother who passed on in 2008 at age 83, in Omu, the family, in search of greener pastures moved to Ibadan where OGD was born on Friday, April 6, 1956 in the house of late Pa Ogunsote in Ososami area of Ibadan..

It's important to add here that a certified history records in Omu-Ijebu and Sagamu supported this claim. So, all the hogwash about OGD coming from Niger Delta are baseless.

Falsehood 2:
Few weeks ago, one Austin who claimed to be calling the attention of the new IG to investigate the crimes in OGD tenure wrote that,"several criminal activities were perpetrated by the former governor and his acolytes when he was in power through the use of a killer squad that he set up and nurtured.."
He claimed many uncountable students of Olabisi Onabanjo University were killed through the killer squad. He based his arguement on Hon. Waliu Taiwo's claim that OGD maintained killer squad.

Facts 2:
Many persons voluntered to be used as macenaries in a bid to break the OGD Team that appeared too strong to be divided while OGD was in office. Hon. Waliu Taiwo resigned from OGD cabinet and went about heralding OGD kept and maintained killer squad.
When the dust settled, same Hon. Waliu Taiwo who was the former Commissioner for Agriculture in Ogun State, after dumping the political group being led by the former Minister of Commerce and Industry, Senator Jubril Martins-Kuye and Prince Buruji Kashamu, retracted his earlier claim that a killer squad existed in the State in a letter dated 10th June, 2010 where he tendered an apology to OGD, saying he deeply regretted whatever the defamatory statement he made earlier may have caused him. He openly admitted he lied against Otunba Gbenga Daniel.
     Asides this, how on earth would anyone embark on a mission of killing countless number of students for no reason? In this same Ogun State? The other time, the students of University of Ibadan disrupted activities within the campus while also blocking some public roads near the institution as they protested the death of ONE of their students named Mayowa. Is it possible for HUNDREDS of students to be missing in a school without students protesting and the management announcing it to the whole world? Or does it imply that the concerned students don't have parents and guardians? Sometimes, we need to check our facts and information source so we don't insult the collective intelligence of the general public while trying to pull someone down.

Falsehood 3:
In another article written by Oluwaseunfunmi MacLawrence and posted on his facebook page on the 12th of May, 2015, OGD was accused of many offences. The writer claimed OGD's "governance and presiding role as the former number one citizen of Ogun State brought nothing but carnage and casualities.
He concluded that "the life of an average youth means nothing to OGD as a person.."

Fact 3:
Throughout the history of the entire nation, OGD remains the only person who paid unemployment allowance to unemployed youths through Ogun State Unemployed Graduates Assistance Scheme (OGUGRADS) which he ran for about three years. It was through OGD-led government that some Ogun youths were sponsored abroad for various Masters programme through OGD's Human Capital Development Programme (HUCAP). How does anyone say the administration that built the first university of education in Nigeria brought nothing but carnage and casualities? Same administration built about 20 housing estates across the State. OGD-led government built one of the best NYSC orientation camps in Nigeria; built four ICT polytechnics across Ogun State and three new international stadia for the remaining ethnic division after MKO Abiola's stadium for Egba people.

Falsehood 4:
One of the major accusations levelled against OGD and his administration is the issue of forced oath taking, where it was alleged that OGD forced some of his aides and commissioners to take oath in some secret shrines in Ogun State.

Fact 4:
On this, I think OGD's response on "AGSOBA session with OGD" would clear all doubt as regards forced oath taking believed to be orchestrated by OGD.

"If you say you swear oath to someone, it is to either secure their maximum loyalty or keep some secrets, failure of which certain things were supposed or expected to happen. Many of these people who claim the oath or ritualist stories have since moved on, fought OGD, violently attacked his personality, but what has happened to them?

So, it is either the stories were false and fabricated or that the oath is not potent and effective..
Such is the conspiracy our administration had to contend with".

Falsehood 5:
Another recruit, one Femi Emmanuel Adebayo on his facebook page on the 20th of May 2015 foolishly wrote that, "Mr. Daniel will need to elucidate us how he acquired such wealth before assumption into office as governor.."

Fact 5:
When IBB said "the Nigerian youth is useless and cannot lead.." He was refering to the likes of Femi Emmanuel Adebayo. Poverty is a terrible plague and can limit reasoning thereby making an individual see fiancially successful people as those from other planets. It's shocking to hear someone in this age questioning how it was possible for someone like OGD to possess such wealth even before getting into office. But he was alive when OGD became the Deputy Managing Director of a german company (which made him the first African to rise to such position in the history of the company) at age 31. Same man they're querying became Fesojoye of Ile-Ife at same age. The edifice, Kresta Laurel that made the front page of one of the editions of Ovation magazine in 1997 was built by Otunba Gbenga Daniel when OGD was barely 41. Meanwhile, it's on records that he originally founded Kresta Laurel in 1990 when he was 34.
    At 35, OGD was already an employer of labour. Few years after, National Concord listed him among 100 most successful businessmen in Nigeria. As a matter of fact, as far back as 1989, when he was only 33, Sam Omatseye of the then Newswatch, who now works with The Nation authored a story about OGD in its November 9th edition (page 33), where he called him a man 'to be watched!'
So, to our friend asking how OGD became so rich before he became governor, I think you need to start thinking big to achieve big.
Practical examples are all around us. Today, Chinedu Echeruo who sold his application to Apple for $1billion is much younger than you; the founder of facebook, Mark Zuckerberg should be same age with one of your children.
That you cannot achieve it doesn't mean it's impossible. It's all about determination.

(The Truth Advocates, Ogun State)

Tuesday 17 March 2015


        Of all the present and past governors in the Southwestern Nigeria, the present Governor of Lagos State, Babatunde Raji Fashola remains one of my favourites. I fell in love with this man when he was listed among the best global thinkers. I took time to research about this dude and what actually it is about him that distinguishes him from the rest of our leaders.
     At a time, Colin Freeman, of The Telegraph, United Kingdom, touched a pleasant chord with me when he wrote that though Fashola 'famously claims to be "just doing his job" but has somehow won near-celebrity status for transforming west Africa's biggest city, cleaning up its crime-ridden slums and declaring war on corrupt police and civil servants!
     BRF as he's fondly called is simply one of a kind. Apart from being brainy, he's equally goal-driven and resulted-oriented.
    Over the years, hardwork and unwavering determination leads to success; continual success brings fame but fact is, not many people can manage fame. Some people having attained limelight suddenly become the opposite of what they have been known for.
    Fashola may have allowed his giant strides in Lagos State and past records get into his head because there cannot be any sensible justification for his actions in the last few months.
    For instance, early this year,  our own BRF publicly called his political opponent and PDP governoship candidate in Lagos State, Jimi Agbaje, a tax defaulter and claimed the pharmaceutical company owned by the fellow was owing Lagos State huge amount and it was only few days back that Jimi paid part of the debt.  Just few days after, Lagosians were shocked when in January, the Honourable Commissioner for Finance in Lagos State, Mr Ayo Gbeleyi sent and signed a personal letter to Mr. Agbaje, commending him for his faithfulness in payment of taxes. This clearly showed BRF acutally lied considering the fact he's a lawyer and knows the consequences of such action.
    Just few days ago, same Fashola was quoted to have said, 'training Almajiri children has no gains!' This coming from a public office holder and till today, I have never seen anyone either on the social media or in the newspapers condemning this speech credited to Fashola.
     The real shock came again when he claimed the Presidency was responsible for the recent robbery attack in Lekki. This is one of the most irresponsible comments I have ever heard from a public office holder. He claimed the security operatives who were supposed to secure the area all went to secure the venue President Jonathan visited in same Lagos. If all the security operatives were engaged with GEJ's visit as Fashola claimed, how come 3 policemen where among the casualties?

     Meanwhile, if I'm not mistaking, Fashola made this statement at the APC Youth Rally held at Intercontinental Hotel which had in attendance Buhari, APC governors and other top party's officials. Is he fooling us that no policeman was deployed to the hotel in their hundreds? Or his hundreds of police attachment in his convoy couldn't have faced the robbers some close distance to the scene of the incidence. I think it's high time we quit politicising issues that concern lives.

   It's disheartening to see how money and politics could change a man we all admire and respect. Just imagined what a political party reduced a once respectable SAN to?
 An African proverb says when a leaf stayed longer in the soap, it becomes a soap as well. Fashola has stayed long enough in the system and has suddenly become one the regular Nigeria politicians.

Thursday 5 March 2015


           Late last year, 8th of November, 2014, one Wale Ifemi wrote an erroneous piece on one of the Ijebu North-East Local Government (LG) facebook pages. His piece is so much unintelligible and I tried very hard to actually understand his drift. He claimed the current Ijebu North-East LG boss, Femi Odufowokan is the most performing chairman while Otunba Remi Odubote's regime was the most corrupt regime ever.
     One of the things I have learnt about facebook is how to ignore low and uninformed minds. Some people are just too narrow-minded and irredeemably moronic and it's needless raising one's BP trying to whip a deadhorse. It's based on this fact that I resolved not to react to his piece yet we cannot leave people like him to form an opinion for the general public on issues they evidently are not equipped enough to handle.
      To say Odufowokan's regime is most performing is blatantly unfounded and saying Odubote's regime is most corrupt is wickedly ungodly! Femi Odufowokan is a very good gentleman and I honestly don't have anything against him and his office. It's just that in terms of performance, Otunba Remi Odubote and Mr Femi Odufowokan differ. In fact, based on unparallel achievements achieved by Odubote-led administration, one can boldly say she's the best chairperson the LG ever had.
      It's easy to criticize my analysis here afterall comments are free only the truth is sacred. Whoever therefore has an opposing view can clearly show who in the history of the Local Government has actually done better than this woman.
       Before analyzing her achievements, it's important to mention here that in my self-funded organization, affiliated with National Anti-Corruption Volunteer Corps, we have already compiled how much the current administration of Ijebu North-East LG got from Abuja since June 2011. Our people will ask this administration in the nearest future what work/project has been done with the billions allocated to our local government. Even if they escape scrutiny, history will not forget those who conspired to squander our collective wealth and the sycophants who shun the truth because of peanuts from these execuTHIEVES.
    For records, here are the giant strides of Otunba Remi Odubote while in office as the executive Chairperson of the LG:
  In her first term in office, succeded in constructing ten (10) blocks of two (2) classrooms each in 10 Wards of the Local Government. Those schools are still there till today and are being put into proper and effective use.
      The free surgical operations sponsored by Otunba Remi Odubote-led administration to which over 150 hernia patients benefitted from is still the first of its kind in the history of the Ijebu North East Local Government.
     Her administration constructed and equipped three (3) community health centres in Isonyin, Odedeyo and Ilese in addition to the ultra modern ones at Igbeba and Odosendora. Only God knows how many lives have been saved through using these institutions.
      It would be recalled that it was during this woman's second term in office that 8 befitting vehicles were distributed to some Obas in the Local Government. It was in the heat of these giant strides by Otunba Remi-Odubote's administration that Ijebu North-East LG was voted the best in the entire Ogun State.
   At this juncture, I want to humbly beseech Mr Wale Ifemi to hold me in the hand like a kindergarten and show me how many projects the current administration executed successfully since they started.

Friday 6 February 2015


 In my previous articles, I have been accused of showing preference for one presidential candidate than the other. Fact is, I am neither for GEJ nor GMB. In the last few months, the social media has been bombarded with 'change' messages that unless you are completely aware of the purpose behind the wild agitations, you will quickly become part of the "mainstream."
      Let's even assume the change of government happened, so what next? Jimmy Cliff wrote that there are 'many rivers to cross
but I can't seem to find my way over.' The essential ingredients to accompany genuine change is tolerance and attitudinal change. The message of tolerance is more paramount right now than before especially in the North.
      Few days ago, Nigeria was spared the Rwandan moment in Gombe when some disgruntled elements almost bombed Mr President and can you imagine level of silence on the matter ever since on social media? Same thing happened immediately he rounded up campaign in Maiduguri? Till today, no single person in the north has condemned the act. I pray and hope the minds behind these attacks won't take it further than this. It is on records that the killing of President Juvenal Habyarimana sparked the Rwanda genocide!
      In Bauchi, the other day, all sorts of missiles were fired at the president's convoy with some of his followers brutally attacked. Some other grown ups were quick to cite that PDP supporters carried out the attacks. What kind of milk did these adults drink from their mothers' breasts that they talk and lie like children?
     Free and fair polls begin right at the stumps, the campaign grounds. Aspirants irrespective of his tribe must be allowed to campaign in the strongholds of their opponents without being attacked or harassed.
     Question is where are we heading with all these? What makes a typical Nigerian see the suffering of fellow citizens as being okay for them? What makes a parent feel that the abduction of young female children and women is okay as long as they're from a different tribe? This certainly will not leading us anywhere and the much-agitated change wouldn't stand the test of time if this issue goes unaddressed.
    Political godfathers and key players in the opposition are childishly playing around while Nigeria is burning. They should be very careful about what they wish for. They might just get it! In a state of war no one is an untouchable. And if Nigeria actually won the war, why is everyone still crying forty years after? We must learn, even from our own history else, this uprising, as Fela says, will bring out the beast in all of us.

Friday 23 January 2015


Dear Presidential Candidates,

     I believe that both of you followed the last US 2012 elections and learned a few lessons about democracy. You would recall that even when Florida votes had not been counted, the Republican had already conceded and accepted Obama as the winner. No guns involved, no bombs, no court cases, no cold wars, no kidnapping, no abuses and that's exactly what we want.

    No matter who wins or loses in 2015, nobody should incite bloodshed please!

      Few days to the commencement of our 2011 presidential election, one of the groups loyal a presidential candidate alleged that an aeroplane was loaded with electoral materials to rig the election, the allegation which was found to be untrue. While the false alarm is yet to die down, presidential election took place, one won and the other lost. Hell let loose at the northern part of the country where over 800 people lost their lives including 11 youth coppers who served as INEC electoral officers. What incited the mayhem was the comments of the one who lost. We don't want a repeat of such in our land.

       In fact, both of you must count yourself lucky and highly favoured for emerging again to be in position to be elected as the president of the Federal Republic Of Nigeria. You have both tasted the position once and emerging again is not just by chance, but a very rare privilege. Today, there are many brilliant and intelligent Nigerian youth who have best qualifications yet unemployed. Or how do we profile a 35 years old youth who still share same room with his parents and siblings. You guys must therefore count yourself lucky that you have youths who are not only unsuspecting but resilient and non-violent, else the story would have been different. This is more reason why you must see this as a golden opportunity to reshape Nigeria's history.
        President Goodluck Jonathan is a key to ensuring peace in the Niger-Delta in case he doesn't win. The ex-militants still listen to him. Muhammadu Buhari too can ensure there's peace in the North if only he can choose to accept in good faith if he's defeated in the on-coming election. Knowing fully well that negative comments from the defeated party can incite another untold bloodsheds.
Posterity will not forgive whoever goes against peaceful co-existence of Nigerians in whatever form.

Wednesday 21 January 2015


  One of the reasons why the international communities are not taking our war against corruption serious, is because of our corrupt approach. Where we stand as part of this enterprise of Nigeria is not well defined. We want change but we are not absolutely sincere about it. Yet no matter how we want to rationalise it, there can never be a better definition of corruption than perversion of our institutional controls and laws? We allow sentiment to becloud our sense of true judgement. Incidentially, some of these unruly practices have a way of coming back to haunt us.
    Over the years, the Northerners were in charge of the military and they allowed all manners of individuals to get enlisted even without the required educational qualifications. They raised standard for all non-Northern candidates and lower it for the North in the name of federal character, that is what is boomeranging now. The result is what we are faced with today. We now have a military personnel who escaped military verification exercise over the years and eventually rose to the rank of Major General and was still not investigated as at the time he retired in 1985.
        If these practices continue unchecked or the likes of Buhari are allowed to have their ways despites their records, it means a dangerous precedent has been set in Nigeria and it will haunt the soul of this nation forever. In advance nations, perjury is taken as a serious offence, but it doesn't matter in Nigeria so long as we like the one who commited such offence. What a nation! Sometimes I wonder what we expect the younger generation to learn from all these.
       While President Goodluck Jonathan (GEJ) may not have done enough to convince some Nigerians why he must be re-elected, General Muhammad Buhari cannot be a better alternative. A man cannot change overnight, just as a tiger will never change its strips. Asides from the disputed certificate issue, Buhari has made many public indicting and inciting statements not befitting of a national leader. Making GEJ leadership ungovernable; bloody baboons stories, advocating BH amnesty, an attack on BH is a fight against the north and all of that.
      Past leaders including Buhari instilled fear into people in order to conceal and covered their ill-acts while others suppressed the press and other out-spoken sources. Governments before GEJ killed and silenced every grassroot interest in politics. But now, we can write, campaign and advertise politics as we wish. This is democracy!
There are other meaningful improvements. As at today, Nigeria's Interstate High Speed Rail Project has been listed amongst the world's top 100 infrastructure projects with a sense of fulfillment. Nigeria now has two automobile industries manufacturing vehicles, Innoson in Nnewi and Nissan in Lagos under this administration.
And last time I checked, our GDP is now viable, overtaking that of South Africa and Brazil for the first time. Nigeria is now the biggest economy in African. All these were achieved under an administration led by someone people say he's clueless.
As for the insurgency, it's a collective battle. If the Northern leaders have genuinely agreed to work with GEJ just like South-South leaders persuaded the militants to surrender their arms, things wouldn't have gone this bad.
In conclusion, the war against corruption must be absolute and not partial and should be championed by credible people with verifiable records!