Thursday 8 December 2016

A House Built With Spittle.. By Saint-Olawale Jimoh

Now that the Presidency has alerted us on the impending famine on our
land, I hope the 'Emergency Progressives' who have been assuring
Nigerian masses that all is well would let us rest. All around us, we
have people who are more Buharist than Buhari, they cry more than the
bereaved and even when Buhari's wife openly declared PMB-led
government has derailed and already hijacked by some cabals in his
government, these intentionally blind stalwarts said the woman didn't
understand what she was saying.
 It is more shocking when some widely acknowledged bright minds allowed
themselves to be ensnared by this regime. One highly-respected public
analyst from Southwest whose name starts with "Rot" will readily tell
уσυ whatever this government does is in order and I ask myself, 'why
are we like this?' What actually is wrong with these people? At what
point did their God-given, well-wired brain cells get replaced by
sawdust? And when уσυ do a post that expose the rot in the system,
some of them would just wish an asteroid would land on уσυ and wipe
уσυ out in less than a minute.
Fact is, things has never been this bad in the history of this great
nation. We pay outrageously more for little; businesses are closing
down, even government at all levels are shedding off workers, yet they
don't see it as an indication of a failed government that needs to be
re-strategized. Under their watch, prices of food items rose by almost
120 per cent, people now travel abroad with flight fees huge enough to
build a house. For many families, hunger is the cause of their
insomnia. Those who couldn't endure embarked on all manner of
unprintable crimes to earn livelihood. The other ∂αy, just before
Ajibandele, along Sagamu-Benin expressway, a gang of 6 armed robbers
attacked a commuter bus and before anything, they showed all the
passengers their Masters Degree (Msc) certificates from different
universities and pleaded with the passengers to co-operate with them
as they robbed them of their valuables.
Virtually nothing is working in this country and I sympathize with a
good number of reputable Nigerians who invested their good reputations
and tιмє to ensure this government is installed. Personally, I foresaw
all the calamities befalling this government with its inexplicable and
excruciating hardship because they have never been sincere with
Nigerians from the outset. It has been lies upon lies. Уσυ would
recall they procured their Presidential Nomination Form through a
"Bank Loan". Ask them what happened to all the billions of money
recovered from looters and they would order EFCC to arrest уσυ. One
Yoruba adage says a house built with spittle get destroyed by the

Remembering The Good Old OSU days. By Saint-Olawale Jimoh

Researchers discovered your nose is connected to the memory centre of
уσυr brain. That's why smells can trigger powerful memories as I
experienced it late last month. At the ever busy Ota-junction in Sango
few days ago, I forced my way through the thick crowd seeing the
weather has suddenly changed and threatened to rain and considering I
was still travelling far.
As I maneuvered my way through the mob, a lady wriggled past me and
suddenly I caught a slight whiff of a particular scent I was used to
many years ago back at Ogun State University (OSU). It was "Toni
Montana" fragrance. I religiously kept and used it almost throughout
my days as an undergraduate.
The scent I perceived connected me to the good old days at Ago-Iwoye;
the events and actors of those years. It brought to mind the years
when intellectualism mattered above what was taught in the lecture
rooms. I mean the years when the activities of students' organisations
within the campus were tougher. It is what уσυ know that made уσυ
known in those years and not уσυr noise. Students activism in those
years was an ideological one and they existed in different groups-
SUG, CDHR, Observers' Congress and the Activists' Forum.
Activists related to each other with a certain sense of respect and
this more than anything else propelled the movement. I still recall
the activities of the controversial four student activists with
similar firstname. They were called "4Femis" among who was 'Femi
Nuberu! Not forgetting Wale SCHRODINGER and Dayo Laleye. I still
recall the Olumide Onafeso days down to later politics that produced
Wale PRAGMATISM, Daniel Aborishade and my MAIN man, AfrikaWee Tunde
who later became SUG President. Meloo came on board immediately after

On the negative side, "Nana Obeche" story scared me to bones each time
the story was retold. The several cult wars that claimed lives and the
gruesome murder of Tuyo at Igan Road is still fresh in my memories.
Jambites who met "Oyeneye Must Go" crisis were considering seeking
admission into another institutions because it was real war. When уσυ
see уσυr lecturers running into the bush; fleeing with all within him
like armada on wheels, hugging every shrub in the bush, knocking
though everything that stood in his way all in bid to avoid being
killed, what excuse would уσυ say уσυ have for not running for уσυr
At OSU, I saw devil's reincarnates firsthand! The activities of these
guys will shock even the devil himself. Уσυr fellow student will order
уσυ never to step on the campus ground for a whole week and уσυ would
wisely obey. As a Jambite, I have had to paid for cigarettes I never
smoked all because I sat in the wrong place.
There was a dreaded cultist nicknamed "Dipopo" who converted MOONLIGHT
Hall (after Hogas Hotel, before Aborishade Blocks) to his palace and
was receiving tithes and school fees from students who were also
begging him to receive it. At one hostel near Oduduwa Hall, a tea mug
was smashed on a guy's jaw. We were also told of how hot melted candle
was used to write name on a guy's buttocks in Bobo Hall. LIBERTY Hall
in Oru, YANKARI Hall in Campus Road, ANCHOR Villa near Mini-Campus and
several others are places уσυ can't stay if уσυ are mummy's pet in
those days.
On the 25th of November, 2004, right by OLAD Hospital junction (before
OOU Health Centre) a gang of four cultists attacked me and I was badly
beaten for no reason. The attack lasted for almost one hour that
Friday evening. It was a busy area and people were passing but one
cared to ask why I was being beaten like a thief.
Alistair stated, 'whatever does not kill us makes us stronger.' Today
nobody can "obtain" me anyhow and when уσυ flash уσυr gun I'll remind
уσυ how many bullets are in it. The other ∂αy, my bus was attacked by
hoodlums near Afikpo and of all the people inside the bus, myself and
another guy in suit were the only persons who didn't submit wallets
and phones. After the robbers had left, I asked the guy which school
he attended. He proudly mentioned OSU!