Wednesday 27 November 2019

Governor Dapo Abiodun, Hon. Ladi Adebutu And The Machinations Of The 'Arijenimadarus'. By Saint-Olawale Jimoh

For the benefit of my non-Yoruba readers, 'Arijenimadaru' is a Yoruba sobriquet and philosophical concept, used to describe a perfidious person who benefits from causing rancour and discord in any system. His gains and significance is directly proportional to the magnitude of trouble he is able to orchestrate. We have them all around and like I wrote earlier, we seem to have them in large number in Ogun than anywhere else. The magnitude of falsehood being dished out on daily basis by these attention seekers can ressurect the dead.
    A good example of such characters is the fellow who started the recent Ladi-Dapo greetings imbroglio and his co-travellers. The fellow, who claimed to be a national leader of National Association of Ogun state Students' (NAOSS) went as far as giving Hon. Ladi Adebutu stern warning and ultimatum to tender an apology for his 'rude' attitude. I followed the drama and ranting of those who shared his position on Facebook and I almost wept for them. When did a particular manner of greeting between two politicians become an issue in our dear State?
   Thank God for for the intervention of the above named association ably led by Comr. Saka Azeez Abidemi, who issued a press release, dissociating the association from the mess and stating in clear terms the association has always been at the fore front of putting the welfare of Ogun state first and that the body does not have any dealings with the impostor.
    By now, except our amiable Governor is not paying attention, he would have noticed a good number of these people who make noise over non-issue all in a bid to be noticed. They are quick to attack you as long as your view about the present government doesn't tally with theirs. But instead of attracting undue attention, why not come up with an idea that can move the State forward and you would be surprised how the Governor will like to see you. I have seen it happening all around us. During the regime of former President Jonathan, one Finland-based Nigerian student, Dipo Daramola and his friends made suggestions to GEJ on ways to fight insecurity and kidnapping using technology. Their ideas were plausible and genuine  and were promptly invited for consultation.

    Let's stop these distractions and focus on developing our dear Gateway State. Personally, I'm beginning to like Governor Dapo Abiodun for his silent works on areas I never expected and Hon. Ladi Adebutu on the other hand, has succeeded in setting a standard that may be too difficult for any unserious politician to meet up with. We therefore need the co-operation of these two giants and several others to make Ogun great.
Ogun oni baje o!

Thursday 29 August 2019

The Culture Of Decadent Opulence And The Future Of Nigeria. By Saint-Olawale Jimoh

    In the past few days, I have followed and watched with disdain, the online competition of pasting #Thelist of Nigerian criminals convicted for various offences in United States and Dubai respectively. Those of Igbo extractions were pasting the list of the 23 convicted Nigerians facing execution in Dubai for drug related offences and who are majorly Yorubas. On the other hand, my Yoruba Facebook friends are equally sharing the list of 88 Nigerians convicted for internet fraud offences in the United States who are majorly Igbos. It was a clear show of shame and it has become so intellectual annoying seeing widely acknowledged bright minds home and abroad joining the bandwagon. I had to inbox one of them to pull the rubbish down.
  Fact is, what the world knows is Nigeria and not Igbos or Hausas. We all made this country what it is today. The North made the international community tagged Nigeria a 'Terrorist Nation', the Yorubas according to #Thelist, made us 'Drug Peddlers' while the Igbos made us to be labelled, 'Internet Fraudsters!'. So we all are collectively bad and have contributed to the defamation of Nigeria's image abroad. Let's give up tribalism and accept our fate.

  Regrettably, I blame the government and our leaders for all of these. So they didnt know it would get to this when they built a society that rewards incompetence? A system where people with integrity don't amount to anything yet celebrate men and women who rose to the top through crooked and dishonest means. A society that allow the worst to emerge to the top in many respects; a society where all issues are swept under the carpet depending on who holds the broom and where all things can be covered depending on where the umbrella tilts..
 A former Governor left office with 26 months of unpaid salaries, 38 months pension arrears, plunging the civil servants into abject poverty and excruciating hardship yet appointed a Minister of the Federal Republic. Another has a #108billion fraud case against him by EFCC, yet appointed a Minister. What about the one who allegedly laundered #15billion State funds and is said to be under EFCC investigation, but has already been appointed the Chairman of a Senate Committee? With all these, the government is passing a direct message to the youths on where lies our values
So long as the system is flawed, whatever evil you fight will grow. Sending these Yahoo boys to prison or authorising SARS to go after the youths isn't the solution, it wont stop the practice. Rather there's need for value re-orientation. The National Orientation Agency need to educate the youths about the danger venturing into illegal practices that may put Nigeria's image in jeopardy abroad. Take it or leave it, it will eventually affect them one way or the other. I had read the lamentations of many Nigerian youths, on how they lost opportunities abroad based on the battered Nigeria's image
Secondly, the present government should create REAL jobs and not the ones we only read in papers. It would shock the government  to see how much this youths would prefer to work rather than engaging in illegal activities.
Lastly, government should endeavour to create an enabling environment for business to thrive. It should review its policies and see how it could be of help to businesses especially the small and medium businesses.

Wednesday 17 July 2019

Tribute To A Quintessential Colossus, Otunba Kunle Kalejaye SAN @60. By Saint-Olawale Jimoh

 "As far as we can discern, the purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere
beings" -
C.J Cung

 'Colossus' according to Oxford dictionary refers to 'a person or thing that is extremely important or large in size'. The emphasis under this context doesn't have anything to do physical body frame or structure. It's about the importance or worth of the individual. Walt Whitman captures it better when he says, 'I am large, I contain multitude!'

 All over the globe, history has given us many of such people- Mandela, Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther, Lincoln and a host of others including our own Obafemi Awolowo. They are not big because they have lots of money though some of them are financially accomplished. Afterall, wealth is what they say is the fruit of labour. But they understand being rich doesn't fill up one's life. They are not big because they bully or have our commonwealth trapped in their custody. They belong to the class of people Max Weber describes as 'Charismatic Figures'. They draw their strength from
moral examples, intellectual power and courage. These are essential ingredients for selfless service and leadership.
One foremost personality who has translated into a colossus by virtue of his tremendous capacity, goodwill and more importantly, his unquenchable thirst to leave anyone who crosses his path better than he met them is no other person than Otunba Kunle Kalejaiye SAN.
His recent victory at the Supreme Court is a pointer to the fact that he enjoys some uncommon favour from God. The Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Committee (LDPC) had on May 21, 2015 disbarred him under circumstances believed to be controversial and was stripped of his Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) title. Barely four years after, March 15, 2019 the Supreme Court overturned his disbarment and restored his wig and gown.
 To many, within Nigeria's judicial landscapes, it's still a mystery. I'm still not sure if we've ever had any case similar to this in history but I am certain there's always one person in every generation, blessed with exceptional favour and attributes such that even nature obeys his biddings.
A man of uncommon grace, rare breed, distinguished legal icon, friend of the cheated and deprived, an outstanding achiever, a role model, tireless giver and philanthropist per excellence. Considering his personality and all he represents, it's expected that he will mean different things to different people. But the one undisputable fact that remains unequivocally constant like a Northern Star that defines OTUNBA is a very essence that encapsulates humanity at its finest.
He's blessed with three outstanding attributes that distinguish him from every successful Nigerian I know.

 One. He remains one of the most humble towering personalities I've ever come across. In spite of his
successes and numerous achievements, he has remained himself, humble, respectful, no airs..
 Few years ago, I began paying close attention to a certain Facebook User whose posts (on a Facebook page associated with own hometown) are way ahead of our time. His cerebral leverages are always a source of inspiration to me. Out of curiousity, I made my findings about the owner of the account and discovered he was same person masquerading under such unknown name. His reason, I gathered was to enable people relate freely without reverence or fear. He wanted to be appreciated, scolded or abused like ordinary Facebook user.

 Two. He is a tireless dreams' supporter. His keen interest in developing the potentials in others is one of the reasons he would continue to earn my respect. It is an usual gift from God, given to a few men for the benefit of all and this is the reason why many youths hover around him all the time.
Three. He's a stupendous giver! A generous giver to whom service to humanity remains his heritage has with his God-given resources executed various philanthropic acts within and outside his community over the years. As it stands today, there's no way you would live in any town or village under Ijebu North East Local Government Area of Ogun State and its environs and say уσυ haven't tasted his water. He sunk boreholes with a standby power generator sets in all nooks and cranies of the area.

 This in addition to so many other gestures credited to him, like the monthly and yearly relief packages for the aged. Here's a man whose private residence has been likened to the Biblical Galilee where the needy thronged into and get comforted. In fact, as I write this, a friend hinted about those he's quietly funding their educational expenses and loads of other commendable acts. History, therefore, beckons on him to continue to use his unique and uncommon gifts and wizardry to seek the best and the brightest for both his community and state.

 Few years ago, I authored a lengthy article published in The Sun and National Life Newspapers respectively, where I captured in details, his giant strides in his immediate communities. In the piece, I concluded by recommending that he vies for an elective position in order to do more. Interestingly, I learn't the then governor of Osun State, Olagunsoye Oyinlola saw the article first before anybody else. Thereafter, others began to call Otunba's attention to it. Fact is, Otunba is the kind of person we need at the seat of governance. Plato, one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived, said 'the price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men!'

 Unfortunately, he has repeatedly been quoted to have said he has no interest in politics. But if he decides to heed his people's voice in future, a vote or support for him is a yes for a greater, better and quality representation at whatever level of government.

Tuesday 21 May 2019

The Agidigbo Concept of "To Ba Koju Sie" (A Message To Ogun State Governor-Elect, Prince Dapo Abiodun) Written By Saint-Olawale Jimoh

Sir, I congratulate уσυ for emerging victoriously in the last hotly contested governorship election and I pray уσυr reign will take our own Gateway State to greater heights. Clearly, the majority spoke loudly with their votes and like I have repeatedly argued, what we had last time (judging from Ogun State INEC results) wasn't just the regular elections we have always had but a clear referendum on the people's wishes and values. This is basically the reason I have been a bit skeptical in adding my voice to those clamouring the last elections were largely rigged all over the nation.
Let me quickly state here that my intent in writing this piece is not to eulogize уσυ or say уσυ're the best when уσυ have not even resumed office, rather it is intended to alert уσυ, so уσυ can avoid some mistakes of the last administration, point areas needing urgent attention and more importantly, to be careful of those уσυ include or assign responsibility in уσυr government.
Few weeks ago, someone shared on Facebook the story about how a certain character, who claimed to be NANS leader and Dapo Abiodun's Youths & Students Representative harassed and threatened the Provost of Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic, Professor J.B Bilesanmi Awoderu on phone over none issue and boasting to be strongly connected to the Governor-Elect. The author of the story, Comrade Adebamiro Damilola who happened to know this shady element said the fellow is a thug and has never completed any academic programme anywhere for about 15 years that he has been parading himself as National NANS leader. I brought this story up because I had seen cases where such people got recommended for political appointments and ended up being assigned sensitive roles in the State.
One past Governor of our dear State whose achievements I'll continue to make reference to is Otunba Gbenga Daniel. This progressive arrowhead and bridge builder toiled hard to earn the title, 'Architect of Modern Ogun State' yet part of the reasons his administration lost it in the court of public opinion in spite of his unbeatable records was largely due to the activities of such miscreants. Give a former cultist a political appointment, he'll end up building a killer squad to hunt down and murder anyone who opposes him or his principal. Yet, the innocent principal ends up taking all the blames and facing the fire alone after the expiration of his tenure. 'TOBA KOJU SIE..'
It's a pity the shortsightedness of the outgoing administration did more harm than good to the State. Wherever уσυ turn, уσυ'd find misplaced priorities. The outrageous amount the outgoing administration spent building each model school in the bushes will renovate over 100 dilapidated school buildings in the State. Same Amosun's administration believes starting 10-lane Siun-Abeokuta road is better than fixing the numerous deplorable roads in other parts of the State. These mistakes must not be repeated.
I know pressures are being mounted on уσυ to first begin transforming Ijebu/Remo axis, in retaliation for how Amosun-led government senselessly concentrated developmental projects in Egba axis to the detriment of other parts of the State but Yewaland too needs уσυr urgent intervention as well. 'TOBA KOJU SIE..'
Ogun State is richly blessed and has produced two Heads of State- Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, Chief Ernest Shonekan, the current Vice President, Professor Yemi Oshibajo, nobel laureate, Wole Soyinka, late Chief MKO Abiola, Tai Solarin and several other great minds. We have always been a pacesetter in governance at all levels of government and we hope уσυr government will restore the lost glory of our dear Gateway State. Whatever late minute appointments and establishments carried out by the outgoing administration in a bid to create additional financial burden for уσυ can be reversed and cancelled including the senseless unsustainable bureaucracy called LCDA. It's a duplication of efforts and sheer waste of our scarce resources. 'TOBA KOJU SIE..'

Monday 28 January 2019

Ogede Nbaje.. By Saint-Olawale Jimoh

  Repeatedly I have argued that a nation that prioritize sympathy in lieu of competency will suffer in terms of economic and social development. Everything we are witnessing today- the thriving of abnormality, the shutting down of common sense, the justification of all things in the name of politics and unjustified rewards for incompetence are all indicators of the sickness of this society. If the system is not sick, NEPA Bill wouldn't have been substituted for WAEC certificate. Regrettably the President has no fault in all of these, it's we the people that made the obscenities possible. We have tolerated abnormality for so long that we now deem it normal.
    Few days ago, at APC campaign rally in Ikeja Lagos, three journalists were shot including the Political Editor of The Nation newspaper. A leader of the National Union of Road Transport Workers, Musiliu Akinsanya (aka MC Oluomo) was reportedly stabbed with knife at same venue. Of all the people affected by this sad incident, only MC Oluomo got people and government attention while nothing was heard about the health status of the affected journalists.
At Eko Hospital where MC Oluomo obtained quality treatment before he eventually traveled abroad, armed policemen with patrol vans were on stand with many top politicians trooping in and out to register their solidarity and presence.
     I witnessed a similar situation in Lagos Garage, Ijebu Ode late last year. I arrived there around 6pm and the entire environment was volatile. Everyone looked terrified as they gathered in groups discussing. Suddenly, a team of heavily armed mobile policemen that stood in front of a security patrol van parked near the Oando Filling Station by Ondo Road axis of Lagos Garage began shooting into the air..
Later, I gathered the mobile policemen were those attached to a popular Chairman of the garage transport union and that the shooting was because the Chairman was in the neighbourhood for a meeting. Never have I witnessed an open display of obscenity like this. A garage Chairman guided and escorted by federal security men! This is sickening.
    After the Lagos incident, I realised it's now a normal practice but the question I have been asking is when did we get to this stage of depravity?

     Until we challenge this scourge, we'll end up building a society where thugs and miscreants will not only have a say but decide for intellectuals and credible Nigerians. Our politicians need to have a rethink and realize we cannot achieve greater Nigeria by their myopic and selfish attitude. This practice cannot elevate any society to anything significant other than raising people with nuisance value. Credible individuals with integrity and legitimate work no longer have any value yet we say we are making progress. Our banana is rotting but we say it's ripening.